Sunday, December 8, 2019

Effect of Subscription Services on Downloads-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about Effect of Subscription Services on Downloads and Piracy. Answer: Introduction The downloading of content from the different online portals are often due to the people wanting exclusive access to the different content in the different scenarios. The downloading of the content from the piracy sites leads to the different issues for the producers of the content as it affects their revenues in the organizations. The different file hosting sites have to take necessary measures to make it relatively easy for the different content producers to gain revenues without their overall profits being affected in the organization. The various online subscription sites for various shows helps the content to reach the audience at an affordable price with a good quality thereby affecting the overall performance of the different employees. The research focusses on the different subscription channels on the piracy in the country. Background of the Study In the current situation there has been a gradual rise in the usage of the music and video streaming sites in the country due to the different usage patterns of the users in the different scenarios. The different sites of the online streaming service is making it relatively easy for the audience to gain access to the different content available on the different sites. The better quality content often make it easier and preferable to the end user to access the different sites and use them for the viewing the contents of their choice. The different aspects of the download speed and the quality of the content also affect the population that chooses to shift to the pirated sites due to the lower internet speeds. The different aspects of the various topics that present themselves in usage of the different places depending on their location. Aims of the study The aim of the study is to understand the effect of the different video and audio streaming sites on the piracy. Objectives of the Study The objectives of the study are: To focus on the effect of the subscription based services on piracy. To understand the choice and opinion of audience related to piracy and subscription based services. Research Question The research question for pondering in the research are: What is the effect of the different streaming sites on the piracy? How is the choice of the people shifting after the introduction of the streaming sites and applications? Problem Statement The research focuses on the effects of the introduction of the different online subscription services on the piracy and its effects on the end users and their prefferences. Literature Review The literature review in the research focusses on a number of different research data available based on the previous researches and the different trusted articles or reports. Its helps in gaining worthy secondary data for the qualitative research and understanding the foundation of the present research. According to Cesareo and Pastore (2014), State of mind toward online theft is emphatically dictated by monetary and hedonic advantages and contrarily by moral judgment. A good state of mind toward online theft, thus, adversely impacts customers' eagerness to attempt membership based music administrations, which is additionally specifically controlled by their advantage and association with the administrations themselves. The article takes into account a number of factors affecting the behavior of the consumer towards the different aspects of the online piracy and the subscription issues and evaluates the different moral and psychological perspectives affecting the discussion. Finally the paper establishes a proper framework of moral and ethical considerations should be made and distributed for the proper development of different ideas. As pointed out by Drr et al. (2013), MaaS is a plan of action for the dispersion of music. The introduced think about exhibits that new offers of music utilization can likewise be an appealing option for music users. In spite of the fact that there is no sign of the decrease of illegitimate downloads as a rule, music privateers consider the free advertisement based variant of MaaS an option. Music privateers who have rejected legitimate music utilization because of high costs in the past may well change to lawful utilization. Not just music is offered by means of this administrations. Streaming entries for recordings, diversions, and ebooks are being produced along an indistinguishable standard from MaaS. In this specific circumstance, this speaks to a noteworthy change in property rights. As opposed to paying for ownership, the client pays for boundless access to content. After the transmission from physical bearer media to the web, these offers might be the following vast change in the utilization of computerized merchandise. The different aspects relating to the different aspects of the media usage for supporting the growth of the music and video subscription helps often in cutting cost in the money lost due to piracy. According to Swanson (2013), Music streaming administrations permit clients access to a large number of data from the internet enabled personal computers and for nothing out of pocket. These administrations are presently seen as a alternative for the success of the music industry in the future. Spotify is the quickest developing music streaming administration on the planet, with more than 24 million dynamic clients worldwide and about 6 million paying amongst US$5 and $10 a month to utilize the administration. The organization has shown a considerable development at a stunning rate of about 8,000 memberships for every day and is as of now esteemed at $3 billion dollars. Music streaming went up by more than seven times in the recent times and the audience are gradually increasing. Nevertheless, there is likewise much debate encompassing this administration in the music business. According to Riekkinen (2016), the legitimate and illicit types of advanced music utilization keep on evolving with more extensive reception of membership streaming administrations. To enhance the present comprehension of the forerunners of theft conduct in the membership streaming period, when authentic and helpful contrasting options to unlawful downloading are broadly present. This setting has tested a large number of the past contentions for pilfering music and hence, produced the need to broaden surviving hypothetical methodologies. Particularly, the nearness of free advertisement based options has debilitated the support for theft and made it more probable that robbery will now cause inside conviction clashes, or subjective disharmony (Papies et al. 2011). Balance hypothesis has had some effect on advanced robbery look into (Siponen et al. 2012), yet another imperative hypothesis, psychological cacophony has increased less consideration. An uncommon exemption to this was the in vestigation by Redondo and Charron (2013), which investigated the shoppers' "installment problem" in motion picture and music downloads through psychological discord system. it could likewise be that the impacts of psychological and passionate discord segments on theft are not completely interceded by aim, and some immediate impacts may be available. These endeavors would profit by longitudinal research outlines. Comparative methodologies may likewise be taken with regards to video robbery, given the similitudes and contrasts of advanced music and computerized video content markets. Research methodology Introduction This section tends to the strategy that will be followed in this research. The research procedure is involved diverse viewpoints and those are, research philosophy, approach, research outline or technique, information gathering strategy and investigation of that. This section investigations the target and vision of the researcher in leading the examination. The chapter presents all the methods applied for conducting the research study on the effect of subscription service on piracy. Research outline This shows the structure of the entire research look at. The researcher has started the examination by depicting the focuses, goals, issue explanation and research hypothesis. By then he assembled key information on the related subjects by thinking about scholarly works and academic journals and presented that in the written work review. This is valuable in finishing the research the correct way (Gray, 2013). Research Philosophy Research philosophy is an essential bit of any research. The philosophy of the research is picked in light of the focuses of the examination. It makes the clients understand the point of view of the researcher. Ethics, characteristics and benchmarks are the choosing segments of the philosophy of the research paper. Positivism, interpretivism, epistemology and realness are four imperative sorts of research philosophy that are followed in the research considers (Wilson, 2014). Positivism philosophy revolves around gaining learning through legitimate method. This is a champion among the most target research methods. It intends to test the research theory using quantifiable instruments to get a consistently showed result (Bryman, 2015). Research Approach Research approach is of two noteworthy types, specifically, inductive and deductive. Inductive research means to create another hypothesis out of the research ponder and deductive approach expects to investigate the subject of the research in view of officially settled speculations (Flick, 2015). Under deductive research, the researcher for the most part investigates the research marvel in the light of hypotheses by different creators (Creswell, 2014). In this research consider, the researcher will take after the deductive approach, as he will utilize the speculations on these variables as an establishment to his investigation. Another kind of research is the exploratory and explanatory research. For the given research contemplate, the specialist will take after the explanatory research way to deal with address different parts of representative gathering progression and their connection with authoritative standards and tenets. Explanatory research is led to clarify the circumstances and end results of an examination wonder based on some clarified speculations (Bryman and Bell, 2015). Research strategy Quantitative, qualitative, participatory and pragmatic are four noteworthy kinds of research methodology that are generally followed in the examination thinks about. In the accompanying examination contemplate, the specialist will receive the quantitative and qualitative research approach. This is in the arrangement of the positivism logic. Utilizing logical strategy causes the specialist to draw a consistent and experimentally demonstrated conclusion to the examination. In this compose, the connection between the components or factors is tried utilizing logical devices and the conclusion is drawn in view of the test outcomes. In any case, there is a plausibility that the result isn't adjusted to the normal result, however the outcome will be demonstrated experimentally. Research design As stated by Tsang (2014), the research design, relies upon the hypothesis testing, is the trial examination of the conditions and final products association between the diverse components. Research configuration depicts the system took after by the researcher to address the examination questions. Diverse sorts of research arrangement are there, for instance, relevant examination, social research, unmistakable, review and evaluation of semi test investigate. Research design chooses the data amassing process. In this investigation inspect, the master will take after the logical examination strategy. Data collection Primary and secondary are the two sorts of sources of data. The information, which is gathered straightforwardly from the field of study and from the general population, who are specifically included or influenced by the subject of the research, is called primary data. The Survey method will be used for the collection of data to be used in the primary analysis. Then again, the information, which is gathered from effectively distributed credible sources, for example, books, diaries, magazines, daily papers, yearly reports, online productions and so forth is called secondary data. Primary information is gathered through overviews, interviews, input structures and agendas. For the present research, the scientist has picked the quantitative information examination strategy on the primary information. Sampling method The research will be based on a random sample of population of 50-60 people who have access to internet and use it for entertainment purposes. Ethical consideration The researcher will endeavour to dodge biasness and will likewise take marked assent from talk with members before leading meeting. No members will be compelled to take part in the meeting and will be permitted to leave anytime of time. The research question will maintain a strategic distance from individual inquiries and the research information won't be referred to for other research work (Saunders, Lewis Thornhill, 2015). Research limitation The main limitation of the research is time span. Moreover, the research also failed to access adequate literatures for accessibility issue. Time frame: Main activities/ stages Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Topic Selection Data collection from secondary sources Creating layout Literature review Formation of the research Plan Selection of the Appropriate Research Techniques Findings of the Data Conclusion of the Study Formation of Rough Draft Submission of Final Work Table 1: Gantt Chart References Bryman, A. (2015).Social research methods. Oxford university press. Bryman, A. and Bell, E. 2015. Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Cesareo, L. and Pastore, A., 2014. 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