Friday, January 17, 2020

The two heroes of industrialization

The Two Heroes of Industrialization During the late 1800s, many people began to start their own companies. Two of the most famous entrepreneurs, Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, were the most renown of these people. Their success is seen through all the things that are named after them – the Carnegie Library, Carnegie Hall, Carnegie Mellon University, Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Center, and many more. Though they may seem very much alike, these two businessmen share differences as well.Despite the fact that Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller gained their position in two diverse ways, they both had illustrious companies with discontented workers. These industrialists certainly got to where they were in two very different ways. Carnegie is famous for going from â€Å"rags to riches. † He defines the American Dream. Starting out as an immigrant, he worked for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. He was then promoted, and was able to buy stock. From the i nvestment money, he started his own company – Carnegie Steel Company.From there, he went on to be a ealthy entrepreneur and philanthropist. Rockefeller, on the other hand, achieved his position In a more realistic way. Together with other people, he formed illegal trusts. Luckily, it proved to be a success. His wealth came from his famous company, Standard 011 Company. After the founding of his company, he sold oil for low prices In order to drive out his competitors, then once he had a monopoly, he would raise the price again. Rockefeller proves to be model for economic success. Since these Industrialists had large companies, they needed workers to run them.Carnegie and Rockefeller did not pay them much, or else It wouldnt be profitable. The workers had six to seven day work weeks, no holidays or vacations, and had to come to work on sick days. The Injuries were common, for many of the workers were Inexperienced. The laborers at this point were unsatisfied, and had to stand up for themselves. They formed labor unions In order to fight the companies. A few people died because of the attack between the workers and companies. Carnegie and Rockefeller both went through laborers' complaints, dissatisfaction, and aggression.These two businessmen reached their economic success In unlike ways, yet both had eminent companies and displeased workers. Without their efforts, the world wouldn't be where It Is right now. Thanks to them and their contributions, many companies, colleges, and organizations have been established. Rockefeller, on the other hand, achieved his position in a more realistic way. success. His wealth came from his famous company, Standard Oil Company. After the founding of his company, he sold oil for low prices in order to drive out hisSince these industrialists had large companies, they needed workers to run them. Carnegie and Rockefeller did not pay them much, or else it wouldn't be profitable. come to work on sick days. The injuries were co mmon, for many of the workers were inexperienced. The laborers at this point were unsatisfied, and had to stand up for themselves. They formed labor unions in order to fght the companies. A few people These two businessmen reached their economic success in unlike ways, yet both wouldn't be where it is right now. Thanks to them and their contributions, many

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