Monday, February 17, 2020

Setting Expectations and Supporting Learning Coursework

Setting Expectations and Supporting Learning - Coursework Example This paper seeks to identify the ways in which the ground rules can be established and also illustrate how such ground rules will help in underpinning appropriate behaviour and respect for others in the classroom. The paper will also include a brief explanation of the resources required in the learning environment and how the teachers can facilitate them to the students. Besides, it will also identify such qualified organizations, which can help the students to meet certain specific needs that are beyond the scope of the teachers. Establishing Ground Rules with Learners: The ground rules for students’ conduct in the learning environment can be established in two ways. The first option is for the teacher to decide and implement them. On the other hand, the teacher can involve the students in the process and encourage them to participate in deciding what rules should prevail in their learning environment. Ground rules are necessary to create a suitable learning environment where students respect one another and to make best use of the resources to attain the learning objectives. Rather than imposing the ground rules in an arbitrary manner, it will serve the purpose of establishing a congenial learning environment, if students are allowed to partake in the formation of such guidelines for the team. This is because the learning requirements and styles of the participants differ from one another. Thus, it is important that the ground rules are compatible with the temperament and learning styles of different kinds of students. I will impress upon them that the ground rules are necessary to safeguard their learning interests and to establish mutual respect and rapport among the members of the learning team so as to achieve the learning objectives. Thus, I will establish the ground rules in consultation with the students, by taking their suggestions and involving them in the process. In this manner they will be able to know the significance and relevance of each rule so formed and will respect it. Gravells (2011) also endorses that the implementation of ground rules will be more objective and yield better learning outcomes, if learners are involved in the process of framing the ground rules rather than the teacher enforcing them upon the students. Besides, it will also be a good idea to implore the students to consider their past experience in learning environments and evaluate situations where ground rules have helped them achieve their objectives. Thus, establishing the ground rules in this manner will help them not only in understanding the significance of following the ground rules in the process of attaining the learning outcomes but also will generate in them a feeling that the teacher values their opinions. However, the teachers also need to consider the fact that some learners may be in the habit of trying to impose themselves and attempt to push the teacher. For example, in matters such as smoking and following instructions during a crisis, the teacher has to impose the rule arbitrarily. On the other hand, in the case of rules relating to the use of mobile phones and dress codes, the teacher may, depending on the individual circumstances, use his or her discretion while framing the ground rules. Therefore, the process of establishing ground rules should consider providing maximum leeway to students to tap the resources available, while restricting them to

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